Sunday, February 22, 2009

Uncommon dislikes

While perusing the guide on TV tonight I once again got excited over the sight of Office Space playing on Cinemax. However I was quickly reminded that Melissa doesn't like it, and continued to search for an agreed upon show. How can anyone not like that movie! Then I realized that there are quite a few things that are common likes, that I myself refuse to partake in. Eggs for example. Everyone eats eggs, well except for me. I'm not grossed out by the fact it's a baby chicken, I just don't like the taste. Same goes for Watermelon, Peanut butter, Coffee, Melted Cheese, and Meatloaf. So many common day things that I dislike, that most people love. I'm not a fan of Nascar, Soccer, Smoking, Big Sunglasses, Cats, Skiing, or the Patriots. But Office space; really?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you and i disagree with you. How anyone can not like Office Space is beyond me. There is actually a customer service number for work where the recording goes "Thank you for calling support services...bla bla" but it is in the same voice as "Thank you for calling InoTech...Just a moment". Makes me laugh everytime! However, an egg is not a baby chicken. The eggs we eat are unfertilized. In other words, there was no cock in the henhouse! :)
