Thursday, February 12, 2009

Are you pissed as I am!

Well here's a funny story, strictly because it not in anyway funny. I received a text today from someone who will remain nameless. it said...

"There is an H3 in front of me with the licence plate Hummr and it has a coach brand sticker on it."

My response was..."Coach Brand? "

For those who don't know it's the oh so over priced bag store.

I was confused at the reason for this interruption in my day. And replied with... "So"?

Come to find out it was a text full of rage. Evidently the typer hates the H3 as its not even a real hummer and they also hate licence plates that state what the vehicle is. The sticker was the icing on the cake. My response was lacking in excitement or intrigue."And?"I later received a frantic call wanting to explain, and to get me as pissed as the caller. It is so funny to see/hear someone get worked up over something so small, especially when you don't share the cause. I can see taking someones side if there is something at risk. But the only thing at risk here was the mysterious callers reputation. Call me if something is on fire, you have a flat tire, need help moving, or your hurt, but you called to tell me the the licence plate says hummr on a H3.

News Flash Andrea...Your licence plate has your name on it. Hypocrite.

Actual funny side story. Andrea did have a flat tire today too.

1 comment:

  1. my name is totally different than it saying 900S...and hey, dont call Rob if you have a flat tire because he wont do a GD thing A-Hole!! Who sends Tommy to fix a flat tire?
