Friday, February 27, 2009

Just when you thought it couldn't get any easier

So we all have to go to work everyday to make a living. Some of us like our job, some hate it, and some have excepted the fact that it's work and they just have to go. Some people spend years trying to find their dream job, only to find that it doesn't make them happy. Others get stuck in a dead end job that eats away at them every day. How cool would it be to have the easiest job in the world. Something you enjoy, something brainless, something with benefits. I would love to be a movie critic. I would get paid to sit on my ass everyday, eating popcorn and snow-caps, doing one of the things I love the most; watching movies. I'm sure like everything else in the world it would have its downside, like having to watch Sweeny Todd. But would the good outweigh the bad? I think it would. So what would be the greatest job? How about traveling the US changing light bulbs for people. Yesterday at work I would have said that sounds like a sweet deal. That is until I saw them at work today on this.....
Yes that's right, that ladder goes about 50 feet straight up. It is leaning on a 2 inch roof tress at the top, and the bottom is on a rubber mat. You should have seen the bow in the ladder when the guy was climbing up and down. No friggin way. I'll stick to watching movies for fun on the weekends.


  1. Like I said when you sent me the pic this morning, not a chance in hell.

  2. was seriously the most sketch thing i've ever seen! i think the safety crew should have been out there.

  3. Would shit my pants.. Just seeing it, I mean.. Going up it isn't even a consideration, I get lightheaded standing a chair changing the hihat bulbs..
