Monday, March 30, 2009

Well rested

So after taking a few days to recharge my physical and mental batteries, I'm again back on the blogging wagon. Really didn't have anything new to share the last couple O days so I thought I would sit back, take it all in, and let it process. Surprisingly nothing that exciting happened. We have come to realize that we lead a pretty structured and scheduled, spontaneous life. What? Yea we are real good at deciding to do something on a whim, however it is the same things almost every time. We could sit here and stare at the TV for hours and then all of a sudden "lets go out" I could money down on where we are going cause it could only be one of like five places. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy it. It's just that I think we need something new to do. I'm glad the whole paintball thing happened and some others jumped on the wagon too. But if I start doing that every weekend that will join the list too. I think it would be nice to get dressed up with a bunch of friends and go out to dinner. I don't mean dressed up like last yesterday, I mean shirt and tie stuff. Although going out in public with Brett and his mullet would be great too!

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