Monday, March 9, 2009

Larger than life

So I am in the process of another project that has turned out to be way bigger than I thought. On Saturday I helped Tim hang his TV and run new wiring in the walls. I figured around 4-5 hours was a respectable guess. That turned out to be a huge underestimation. It actually took more like 7-8. Now I am in the process of cleaning up my hard drive by compiling my music files. I figured I would move, rename, consolidate files for a few hours and then rip some more CDs to the drive so I can trade in the discs at Bullmoose. Well after relocating everything. I decided I needed to delete the duplicate files before the next step. 22.4 GB of duplicate files later I am now into Itunes, converting files that were previously lost in some black hole folder, gathering album artwork, and renaming files. I started this around 10 this morning. I still have the first CD sitting in the drive waiting for Itunes to finish. So much for a few hours. All this work to make a few bucks.

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