Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The irony of it all

So here's one for you. The Curves in Westbrook is doing a food drive. A FOOD DRIVE! You know where people show up to a designated area and drop off non perishable food for the needy. Except in this case the designated area is the same place where overweight women go to lose weight. And the needy are overweight women who need more food. I can just picture Sally walking on the treadmill stuffing her face with raw macaroni. AWWWWM-num-num-num-num. (hows that Andrea?) You have to admit it is a good cover. Women who are trying to better their life, reaching out to better other's. I envision Curves as some kind of secret club.
-Only women are allowed to join.
-You have to be a certain weight so as to not make the others feel worse about themselves.
-Bring a snack to share with the others (cookies or brownies preferred).
-Participate in shady donation causes to help acquire more food.
There is probably a secret handshake too. But we will never know. I bet once donations are closed for the day, the shades are drawn, and out come the boxes. Can openers come out of gym bags, pasta is boiled in the whirlpool, and cakes are baked in the sauna. They probably set everything up on the mats, and all sit around for a nice buffet. I know, I have a twisted way of looking at things. But I wouldn't take an AA group on a brewery tour, a sex-aholic to a strip club, a diabetic to a candy store. And I certainly wouldn't leave food in a room full of hungry women.

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