Monday, August 8, 2011

Help me Robby-Wan, your my only hope.

I received two very nice comments about my blog today. One was an in depth message specifically in response to an earlier post (Dolls, Diamonds, or Dice), and the other a very simple comment. A simple comment that couldn't please me more in fewer words. It amazed me to think that "holy shit, people are really reading this" and " people really like this". I started this blog for myself, a quiet way to express my creativity, something that was relaxing, cheap, and took little time. All things strangled by my other various hobbies. Now I find that I am bringing some of that to other people, which gives me another bonus. Joy. In my small group of friends I find that there is great diversity, be it likes, hobbies, recreations, beliefs, and marital and child status. But somehow we all play nice together. Finding common threads to talk about. I know that my blog goes way above some people when discussing D20's, counterspells, Ithorians, Symbiotes, and Lloyd Grant. Yet we somehow all read something here that keeps bringing us back. Maybe someday people who aren't my friends will start reading this. Maybe I'll make new friends. Maybe you'll make new friends. For now I thank everyone who reads this. Thank you for talking time out of your day to listen to me. Thank you for showing a friend my post cause you thought they'd like it. Thanks for your words of encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. I never know what you're talking about...but I read it just the same. Ok, maybe I skim sometimes when my eyes glaze over at the talk of dolls and cards, but I get the general gist! :)
