Friday, August 26, 2011

Wait, Master. There is something I must know

It's funny how we as free thinking individuals must justify things we do. We seek to gain approval. If it's good enough for ourselves, then why must we also seek to appease the masses? Many things in life are done for self-satisfaction. The need to accomplish something in order to feel gratified. We often state that the opinion of others is not important or required. Yet we still reach out to them. Is it truly to get approval or is it sub-conscious bragging? Many people share their hobbies, crafts, or achievements with their friends. Or even to a smaller degree the friends that are or will be involved. These things I truly believe are to get recognition from your loved ones. A sense of pride is found in sharing with the people close to you. It's when we shout from the rooftops, that the issue arises. There are numerous things that we hear (or are forced to hear) everyday, that we could care less about. It's wonderful that the lady in front of me at the store has a neighbor who's two year old can swim. Why must she tell the cashier? How in the hell did that casually come up in the conversation usually containing "do you have any coupons?" The lady must just be talking to hear herself talking. Or she needs some sort of nod of acknowledgment to continue her day. Are our two cents even worth that much? You bought a new car, made lasagna, planted some flowers, climbed a mountain. Good for you. Does someone telling you good job and patting you on the back make any of those things better? Unless I get to ride in it, eat it, touch it, or sit on it (TWSS) then do I really need to hear about it?

Monday, August 15, 2011

The dark side of the force has clouded their vision, my friend.

Friendship can be a strange thing. It can sometimes go as fast as it arrived. A chance meeting, a mere head nod in passing, or a simple introduction through someone can turn into a lifelong friend. As well, a single statement, someone else's word, or the wrong decision can simply end it. I pride myself on the friends that I surround myself with. In many ways I cherish them more than family, due to the fact that they can leave. They don't have to love me like family. They don't have to put up with my shit. They don't have to stand by me unconditionally. Friends are rented. You "pay" them with your laughter, stories, help, company, and understanding. If at any time you fail to make a payment, a friend can up and leave. That is why I hold my friends up and above all. They choose to stick with me through tough decisions. They help make the tough times easier by their own choice. They willingly give their time to make mine more enjoyable. Every once in a while though a friend will slip through the cracks. You lose touch, move away, come to a crossroads, or disagree on an obstacle. Poof, they are gone. Sometimes they come back. Sometimes an agreement can be reached, Sometimes it is goodbye. I feel that I have lost very few "true friends" in my lifetime, all for various reasons. Some I consider unfortunate, others not so much in hindsight. I consider myself a genuine person, I have flaws I will be the first to admit that. But I stay true to my beliefs, my family, and mostly my friends. That will never go away.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

He has foreseen this. It is your destiny!

Have you ever popped in a DVD, sat down on the couch, wrapped the blanket around you, dove into the bowl of popcorn, and snuggled in for a great movie experience. Only to have the disc tell you that your not going to enjoy the movie because it's not on Blu-ray? Blu-ray, "better than real life." Well too bad for you I'm watching a movie, and not real life. I do not need Blu-ray to enjoy my movie experience. I want humor, drama, explosions, acting, and a story. "But it's far superior to DVD", you say? Interesting, we've watched DVD's for years, never complaining about them. Whats the big deal? "You can see the chicken pock marks on Jennifer Annistions face!" Um, that doesn't make the movie anymore enjoyable. I especially love the part before the movie when the preview splits the screen saying. The left side is DVD and the right side is the amazing technology of Blu-ray. Really cause I'm watching a DVD, so just make the DVD look like the right side of the screen.

All that said, I'll be buying a Blu-ray player on September 16th. Nothing to do with the crystal clear technology, superior sound, or conformity. My TVs aren't even hooked up to HD. One of them isn't even HD compatible! I am also not giving into the PS3 dual whammy. I'll just buy a game system and oops I have Blu-ray too! Nope. I will be buying Blu-ray for one reason only, so George Lucas can have some more of my money. I hope he set up a commission program with Blu-ray. A form for me to fill out saying I only bought this useless piece of machinery cause George made me, now send him some of your money too. Yes, I own the Star Wars movies already. On VHS, DVD, DVD extended, Dvd remastered, DVD transfers of the original releases from laserdisc, the Phantom Edits, Rifftrax versions, and soon to be Blu-ray. Not for the sound. Not for the picture. Not for a complete collection. Certainly not to give George more money. I will be buying them for the over 40 hours of bonus material and special features including never-before-seen deleted and alternate scenes, an exploration of the exclusive Star Wars archives, behind the scenes, documentaries and much more. Forty hours! That's like twenty more movies worth of material. And I will enjoy all of them on my not-HD TV, getting the full not reality experience. And 10 more years from now, when your all ranting about Holo-discs, I'll finally buy one of those when Star Wars is released.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You are a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor!

Dopplegangers, clones, pod people, travelers from the future. Call em whatever you want. Everyone seems to at one time or another claim that they have seen one. I recently saw the fat twin of a friend of mine. I called to tell him, actually I texted (I didn't want to rip a hole in space due to both their phones ringing). Anyways, I texted to tell him. He wasn't dismissive, he offered me the alternate explanation that it could be his brother. After relaying the details of when and where, the brother theory was ruled out. The possibility of it actually being his clone, not. So what if we really do have a fat twin out there? Are they the same as us, or the complete opposite. Does my twin hate games, does he love Star Trek, is he a billionaire? Probably all things I will never know. You never see your own doppleganger. It's always one of a friend, who's not with you. Does the power of the
other you repel you so you can never be in the same place at the same time? Is deja vu when you enter a situation your other has experienced? Does their good luck equal your bad? Disease, sickness, wealth, humor, status, do these all relate? Are they as easily persuaded that we exist? Keep your eyes peeled, they are out there somewhere. Maybe they're with your perfect mate, in a miserable relationship. Longing for a better life, the one your living. And you thought you were having a bad day.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Help me Robby-Wan, your my only hope.

I received two very nice comments about my blog today. One was an in depth message specifically in response to an earlier post (Dolls, Diamonds, or Dice), and the other a very simple comment. A simple comment that couldn't please me more in fewer words. It amazed me to think that "holy shit, people are really reading this" and " people really like this". I started this blog for myself, a quiet way to express my creativity, something that was relaxing, cheap, and took little time. All things strangled by my other various hobbies. Now I find that I am bringing some of that to other people, which gives me another bonus. Joy. In my small group of friends I find that there is great diversity, be it likes, hobbies, recreations, beliefs, and marital and child status. But somehow we all play nice together. Finding common threads to talk about. I know that my blog goes way above some people when discussing D20's, counterspells, Ithorians, Symbiotes, and Lloyd Grant. Yet we somehow all read something here that keeps bringing us back. Maybe someday people who aren't my friends will start reading this. Maybe I'll make new friends. Maybe you'll make new friends. For now I thank everyone who reads this. Thank you for talking time out of your day to listen to me. Thank you for showing a friend my post cause you thought they'd like it. Thanks for your words of encouragement.

Sunday, August 7, 2011