Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Judging a book

Webster defines Nerd as:

: an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits

The stereotypical definition includes:
Glasses, braces, tall and lanky, greasy face, nose always in a book or computer, Asian, single, and possessing a replica something or other from the Star Wars universe.

I may at one time have been defined by some; okay most of these categories. I know sure as hell I have been on the wrong side of a huge pair of glasses and a bowl cut. I hope that things have changed for the better over the years. My glasses have toned down, although they regressed a little to the black nerd frames. I actually get my hair "cut" now, and it doesn't involve a dome. I've "filled" out a little, yea filled out, I'm going with that. Despite all the physical changes I guess I'm still a nerd on the inside. I wouldn't necessarily say that I am slavishly devoted to any one thing, but I certainly fill my time with a lot of things. Maybe I am devoted to hobbies. As in having as many as possible. I often find that I have laxed in one thing I love to do, usually because I have spent too much time doing another. I guess I go through phases, much like the "nerd" phase when I was younger. Although it kinda sounds like on the inside I still am one. I definitely have the Star Wars thing covered. I'm not Asian though.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't matter if you look like a nerd, Rob, it's what you are like on the inside that really counts.
